Foundations Conference

What is it? A weekday residential conference held at Quinta Christian Centre, Weston Rhyn, Oswestry SY10 7LR from Monday April 18th to Friday April 22nd 2016. Is the Church today really the best it can be, in the sense of empowering Christians to reach their potential and providing a God-centred, valid and uncompromising expression of the faith we have inherited from past generations? Can we dare to do things a little differently?

  • Renowned Bible teachers Chris Hill (of CL Ministries) and David Andrew (Editor of Sword magazine) will be speaking on the challenges faced by the Church in the 21st Century
  • Steve Maltz will be launching his new book, 'Hebraic.Church' and speaking on what we can learn from the original apostolic Church.
  • Special guest Andrea Minichiello Williams, the CEO of Christian Concern, will address current issues faced by the Church in the UK.
  • Special guest Alex Jacob, the CEO of CMJ, will look at how the Church should respond to Israel and the Jewish people
  • There will be a series of talks from Foundations stalwarts on various aspects of Hebraic.Church, such as the Jewishness of Jesus, God centred Church, Biblical interpretation, discipleship, law and grace, Greek vs Hebrew thinking and abundant living.
  • There will be opportunities to re-acquaint ourselves with our Messiah, with Jesus and Me sessions.

FOUNDATIONS IS DIFFERENT - IT BREAKS THE MOULD OF CHRISTIAN CONFERENCES The week will include: A quality time of fun, fellowship and a learning experience for us all in an informal and friendly atmosphere. Workshops, exhibitions, celebrations … and more Either just soak in the discussions and teaching, or bring your gifts and take a more active role. Expect the unexpected as the Holy Spirit leads us into exciting places. Come as an individual or a church group and benefit from mixing with like-minded Christians from a variety of fellowships. The cost is 240 POUNDS for accomodation in standard rooms, 200 POUNDS for budget rooms. (includes accommodation, food, refreshments and study notes) WE ARE NOW TAKING DEPOSITS FOR THE CONFERENCE. How can I book my place?