
speaking on lightbulb moments X 3

Remembering and planning in our "Happy" new tier

With a (partial) round up of 2020

Speaking of blockheads, tellings and blindspots

Speaking on clouds, community and ra!


Published on 3 Nov 2015
A re-imagination of Paul's time in prison & his letter to the Philippians as an office mock-umentary.
Meet Lucius Picardius, the fictional head roman jailor, and follow his story.


Middle East Report

Stories this week include:  the President of Israel draws attention to the traditional site of the Baptism of Jesus this Christmas, We look at the plight of Christians in Nigeria and China and for the first time in over 800 years the Star of Bethlehem will be seen in the night

Olive Tree

The subject of Israel is guaranteed to cause a stir in Christian circles and one question that is often raised is this, ‘Is the modern State of Israel still God’s chosen people or has the Church replaced Israel?’ Who better to answer that question than a Jewish pastor in J’lem called Ofer Amitai.

Thinking Differently

Part 1 of a glimpse into the strange world of Steve Maltz

Watching Over Zion

The Word:  Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off; for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. So truth fails, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey. (Isaiah 59:14-15)